Monday, July 12, 2010

Travel Bug

I had a week off. A whole week! Sure, it was filled with family and friends and travel but I also had just enough downtime (and some help from my Dad and Hobby Lobby) and I actually finished a project. Summer has been bad for my creativity and time to do any type of projects, so I was pretty excited to get my hands dirty again.

This project was inspired HEAVILY from this DIY idea on Design Sponge.

This was a fairly easy project, although cutting the cork was a trail and error experience due to the fact that if you don't have the correct knife you're in trouble! I doubled my cork because it was pretty thin. I also added Alaska and Hawaii. Now I want to make a similar map for the other continents! I'll have to con my dad into making me some more boards!

The only thing I have left to do is make my pins!

(Don't mind the messy desk...that area is always in a constant state of chaos.)

One thing to point out...the blue in these pictures looks MUCH brighter than the final project. I haven't figured out how to change my settings to make it a bit more realistic!

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