Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's Gonna Be A Happy New Year!!!!

I saw a bumper sticker today that said "You are not only measured by what you create but also by what you choose not to destroy." For some reason that inspired me. Of course, now I'm at work, so my inspiration is limited to software implementations, but I might have to take out my sketch pad and jot a few ideas down!

This weekend was pretty productive. I made my NYE dress and it was a success. I also made 6 pot holders! I even patch worked to the top of two! I think I finally figured out the binding. The first 6 aren't all that great, but they are functional pot holders, so they can be used. I'm hoping that by next weekend when I go to see my girlies for Lexi and Peyton's birthdays I'll have about 3 times the amount I have now. The four blockers are turning out better and better. It just takes practice and figuring out some of the little tips myself. I'm no where near being ready to make a full quilt, but maybe a doll quilt is in my future?

So what's up next? I started working on a new dress, but I already hate the fabric, so I'll probably be scrapping the project. I also, as stated above, want to do some more pot holders. So that's my plan.

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